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 Original Title Doraemon Great Adventure in the Antarctic Kachi Kochi IMDB Rating 65 Duration 1h 41min Genre Animation, Adventure, Comedy Release Date 4 March 17 (Japan) Language Hindi Subbed Quality/Size HD 480p 321MB 7p 432MB The film starts with 100,000 years ago, Carla losing her gold ringShare your videos with friends, family, and the world Doraemon Great Adventure in the Antarctic Kachi Kochi Directed by Atsushi Takahashi With Yumi Kakazu, Sonal Kaushal, Subaru Kimura, Rie Kugimiya Unable to endure the midsummer heat, Doraemon transports Nobita and his friends to a huge iceberg floating in the South Pacific While creating an amusement parks with the secret tool "Iceworking Iron" the Doraemon The Movie 17 Nobita S Great Adventure In The Antarctic Kachi Kochi Cantonese Dubbed Ver Cinema City Doraemon the movie 2017 great adventure in the antarctic kachi kochi in hindi on dailymotion